3-Day Advanced LENS Training
with Len Ochs, Ph.D.
November 30th, December 1st & 2nd, 2007 - Fri/Sat/Sun
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Cost: $250/day
Brief Description:
This will be an advanced training led by Dr. Len Ochs. There is an expectation that candidates for this seminar will have taken the Foundations Level course at least once and be currently in a clinical practice that involves the use of the LENS.
This training will include:
• Evaluating and interpreting maps
• Using the sensitivity/ reactivity questionnaire
• Using innovative protocols in difficult or protracted treatment sequences
• Advanced Report Generator operations
• Ongoing clinical discussion and supervision on cases
As in the past, at least a month before the training, participants who wish to have their cases evaluated by Dr. Ochs should email maps, offsets and a brief clinical description to him at lochs@earthlink.net.
This training seminar will carry 21 hours of credit toward the AIBT LENS certificate. Please check our website under Professional Trainings for more information about AIBT Certification or call us for further details at 845-658-8083.
See www.ochslabs.com for a link to download a copy of the advanced training syllabus.